Stories — Mirrorable Media Kit — FightTheStroke


Microsoft Blog on Mirrorable

Microsoft Blog on Mirrorable

Microsoft Design on Mirrorable

Microsoft Design on Mirrorable

Originally posted of Microsoft Design medium | Pubblicato da Microsoft Design

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How Microsoft Azure, Kinect are helping kids play TV games to recover from strokes

How Microsoft Azure, Kinect are helping kids play TV games to recover from strokes

Courtesy of ZdNet.

With millions of children suffering from the impact of perinatal strokes, a group of Italian researchers decided to turn to gaming tech to help provide therapy.

Mirrorable for Young Stroke Victims Adapts with Emotion Technology

Mirrorable for Young Stroke Victims Adapts with Emotion Technology

Courtesy of Affectiva.

FightTheStroke is the social enterprise of Francesca Fedeli and Roberto D’Angelo, and Mirrorable is one of the key projects they are working on, together with the National Institute of Research in Neuroscience and Brainprize Winner Prof. Giacomo Rizzolatti.

Mirrorable: Where Brain Science Meets Daily Life

Mirrorable: Where Brain Science Meets Daily Life

Courtesy of Social Innovations Journal.

This article describes a revolutionary rehabilitation therapy utilized with children suffering from consequences of stroke at young age. The therapy was developed within a framework that involves both children and their families and is supported by Mirrorable, a proprietary technological solution.

Human telemetry brings people back to work

Human telemetry brings people back to work

Courtesy of Microsoft Enterprise and Alessandro Lombardi.

When he was 10 days old, my colleague’s son, Mario, was diagnosed as having suffered a perinatal stroke that left him unable to control the left side of his body. Mario’s parents explored the science of mirror neurons for his treatment. Mirror neurons create a neurological basis for empathy, triggered when video of a repeatable, familiar movement is shown to any person.

Nel blog LAM! un'ospite d'eccezione: Francesca Fedeli che ci parlerà della nuova piattaforma MirrorAble!

Nel blog LAM! un'ospite d'eccezione: Francesca Fedeli che ci parlerà della nuova piattaforma MirrorAble!

La nostra intervistata di oggi è Francesca Fedeli, mamma di Mario, fondatrice dell’Associazione di Promozione Sociale “Fight the Stroke” ( insieme al marito Roberto D’Angelo e fellow di Ashoka Italia(