2024, Associazione, Comunicazione, donazioni, End Of Year Report, eventi, FightCamp, fundraising, Gaming4Everyone, HomePage, Manifesto, Mirrorable, mirrorable camp, MirrorHR, Neuroni Specchio, Palestra dei FIGHTERS, rassegna stampa, Ricerca ed innovazione, SocialMedia, Sport, video
FightTheStroke non ha ancora compiuto i due anni di vita associativa ma ci fa piacere celebrare con voi le prime tappe di sviluppo raggiunte, passo dopo passo.
FightTheStroke was born in mid-2014, so is still a young toddler, but we’d like to share with you our early stages of development, step by step.
PEOPLE, il format che racconta le eccellenze Italiane nei campi dell'innovazione tecnologica. In questa puntata Roberto D'Angelo e Francesca Fedeli, di #FightTheStroke www.expo.rai.it/youritaly Per le immagini di copertura si ringrazia "#Fightthestroke Are You Series" ( un progetto di: FightTheStroke.oeg e Shoot4Change)
2015 Microsoft Ability Award winner for Community Service: Fightthestroke It was an honor and privilege to participate to the Microsoft Ability Hackathon, getting to know amazing people, further developing our Mirrorable solution and receiving the Ability Award for Community Service from Satya Nadella. This is representing a very prestigious award for #fightthestroke, recognizing leadership, advocacy and passion for accessibility and inclusion, at global level.