Fight and Smile, our book — FightTheStroke


A book about the good sense of Mirror Neurons and what we learned from the our history with Mario, starting from the beginning, passing through the TED talk and finishing with our first projects between medicine and technology.

At the beginning we introduce you to the story with a message from the renown bass player Saturnino while in the end we greet you with a new perspective of science written by Prof. Giacomo Rizzolatti (Brain Prize 2014).

You can buy it in your library of confidence or online at Amazon, in paper version, in ebook or in audiobook – available in Italian and German.
The proceeds from the sale of the book will be entirely donated to the Fightthestroke Foundation, for a better future of young stroke survivors and children with Cerebral Palsy.

We’re not tired of fighting at all. And you?

#lottaesorridi #fightandsmile #FightTheStroke

Fight and smile.  A story of love and science  by Francesca Fedeli(can be purchased here)

Fight and smile.
A story of love and science
by Francesca Fedeli

(can be purchased here)

Fight and smile.  A story of love and science. (AUDIOBOOK)  by Francesca Fedeli, read by Claudia RazziFrom 6/10/2019, on the occasion of the World Cerebral Palsy Day, you can also listen to the audiobook version from the Audible portal.  https:…

Fight and smile.
A story of love and science. (AUDIOBOOK)
by Francesca Fedeli, read by Claudia Razzi

From 6/10/2019, on the occasion of the World Cerebral Palsy Day, you can also listen to the audiobook version from the Audible portal.

The German version Lächle und gib niemals auf: Wie wir gegen den Schlaganfall unseres kleinen Sohnes kämpften can be purchased here.

The German version Lächle und gib niemals auf: Wie wir gegen den Schlaganfall unseres kleinen Sohnes kämpften can be purchased here.

Four years ago I got a shot. Mario, my newborn son, had suffered a stroke. While he was on my womb? During childbirth? I don’t know yet: it happens to two or three children in a thousand, and all report damage to the brain. In his case, forty percent of the right hemisphere was “burnt”, probably the left side of his body would be paralyzed. The statistics, now I understand, are like they tell you only what you can not do. What we can do, we discovered it a little at a time: so much physiotherapy, at home and at the hospital, and an experimental program for the activation of Mirror Neurons. But it wasn’t enough. Because Mario did not look at the exercises, he looked at us parents, so focused on teaching him the autonomy that we had forgotten to transmit to him the joy of living. Then we changed perspective: if we wanted the best from our son, we had to give the best of us. We began to do with him the beautiful things that we liked before his birth: travelling, listening to music, reading, attending events with friends. And he, step by step, literally, he set himself up and became the smiling child he is today. Our story is not a miracle or a fable: it is an example of what curiosity, courage, love and science can do. That’s why I wanted to tell it in a book, as my husband and I told it at the TED Global in 2013, and from there it went around the world. Preface by Saturnino . Afterword of Giacomo Rizzolatti .
— Fight and smile Francesca Fedeli
— Da Lotta e sorridi di Francesca Fedeli