Perinatal Stroke Center — FightTheStroke


Launched on September 21, 2017 in Rome during The innovation Forum for health promoted by FPA- comes to life the first Neonatal and Pediatric Stroke Center thanks to the collaboration between Fight The Stroke Foundation and the Gaslini Children's Hospital in Genoa.

Born on the experience of other international stroke centers, it represents the First Center in Italy for the diagnosis, research and care of infants and children with Pediatric, Perinatal and Neonatal Stroke.

"We are proud to give a very important news for the Italian paediatrics: the newborn paediatric Stroke Centre is born, an advanced structure resulting from the alliance between Gaslini, which can count on multidisciplinary skills and an experience of more than 300 children already followed throughout Italy, and the FightTheStroke Foundation, which brings together families affected by this very disabling disease. – explained Silvio Del Buono, health director of the pediatric hospital Gaslini, in his talk at the conference "Needs and perspectives of the networks on management and care of children with results of stroke: an Alliance for quality and efficiency". The center will start with a clinic open to the public, a coordinated team of professionals of different disciplines, an advanced technological capacity and research projects already kicked off with the best centers around the world. It will provide patients and their families with the possibility of diagnosis and qualified assistance, both in the acute and in the chronic phase, in a complete path from prevention to management of the serious relics of this pathology. It will also carry out research and training activities aimed at both professionals and families, in a role of 'Hub and Spoke’' as a reference point also for peripheral areas. The center will be an advanced structure of excellence, the first in Italy for the management of a disease that today affects thousands of children in Italy.

For information on how to access the Day Hospital screening at the Gaslini Stroke Center, just fill in and submit this form.